www.bteup.ac.in Bteup Student Login Password, Family id Login

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www.bteup.ac.in Bteup Student Login Password, Family id Login Portal 2024. UP BTE Revaluation, Exam Date Check Online.

BTE UP Student Login Password, Family id Login

 Board of Technical Education, Bihar release results for scrutiny of marks of odd semester 2023. Students studying in Technical courses of Uttar Pradesh can check their results. The exams of odd semester 1, 3, 5 took place in December 2023. Then students who were not satisfied with the results applied for scrutiny of their marks. Registrations of BTE UP scrutiny of results start in 28 March to 2 April 2024.

Students must register on official website of BTE UP to find their results. They shall enter their enrolment id that they get from their institution. Then their family id is also required to log in to BTE Up official website. In case they don’t have their Family id, they can create on from the official website of familyId UP.


Name BTE UP results log in
Body Board of Technical Education, Bihar
For College student of technical courses
BTE UP registration mode Online
Release BTE Scrutiny results of odd semester
Important details College enrolment ID, Adhaar Id and Family ID
Family Id UP application mode Online
Contact 91 522 2630243 ,91 522 2630063
Official website of BTE UP results  bteup.ac.in
Official website for Family ID UP  Familyid.up.gov.in


Eligibility for BTE UP 2024

  1. Age: There is no age requirement for BTE UP registrations.
  2. Citizenship: Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply for BTE UP registration or Family ID.
  3. Residency: The students must be residing in the State of Uttar Pradesh to get a family id.
  4. Educational Qualification: It is for students studying in private or public colleges of Uttar Pradesh. BTE UP Scrutiny results are for Odd semester i.e 1, 3, 5.
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What is BTE UP Log in?

Bihar Board releases results related to technical courses on its official website of BTE UP. Students need to register on this website of BTE UP. They get an enrolment ID from their college  which they use for registration. Then students set their password and log in with their credentials on BTE UP. They enter their Adhaar number for verification and then Family ID.

What is Family ID?

The Government of Uttar Pradesh is implementing the Family ID scheme to enable the goal of providing job opportunities to all families in the state. Under Family ID, the government will issue a unique identification to each family in the state, establishing a live comprehensive database of the state’s family units that can be used to ensure the proactive delivery of benefits to every eligible household in the state.

BTE UP students shall verify their Family ID on official portal. If they don’t have a UP Family ID yet, then they shall go to official website of Family ID UP government and register all their members.

How to get a UP family ID ?

  1. Visit official website of familyID portal i.e family.up.gov.in
  2. Registration: click on ‘registration’ option and read the instructions carefully. Enter your mobile number and verify OTP.
  3. Sign in: Enter your Registered mobile number and click on ‘Send OTP’. Enter OTP, captcha, and then click on Log in.
  4. See if your family ID is already available on the number or not. If there is no family id information then you create your new family ID.
  5. Enter your Adhaar number then click on ‘Proceed to register family’.
  6. Add your family member one by one by entering their Adhaar number, accept declaration and then click on Send OTP. Enter OTP code and click on ‘Verify’.
  7. Enter marital status, spouse name, mobile number, Adhaar, occupation. Click on ‘proceed. Mention the relationship with family member. Click on ‘Save’.
  8. After adding all family members, enter your residence address.
  9. To edit any information click on edit icon.
  10. Submit application. And then click ‘Final submit button’.
  11. You receive a provisional family ID. Click on Download to download your Family ID document.
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How to BTE UP log in?

  1. Visit official website of BTE UP i.e bteup.ac.in.
  2. Click on ‘Student registration
  3. Enter your enrolment number you get from your college. Click on ‘verify Enrollment number’.
  4. You see your Date of Birth, mobile number of registration etc. Enter your D.O.B and mobile number. Click on student details.
  5. The name of your institute, parent’s name, branch name are visible on your screen. Enter password you want to set. Click on register.
  6. Go back to home page and click on ‘Student Log in’.
  7. Enter your Enrollment number and password. Click on ‘Log in’.
  8. A dashboard of all important options will appear on your screen. In student rights menu click on Adhaar Verification.
  9. Enter your adhaar number, Click box of declaration. Enter your family ID and then click on ‘verify Aadhaar’.
  10. Then on your dashboard BTE UP results for various exams will appear. Click on the link and your BTE UP Results will appear.

click here to go to official website of BTE UP Student Log in 2024.

Click here to create your UP Family ID account create or log in

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